Sunday, February 19, 2006


Consequences of Another Attack on Our Shores

A lot of talk on the various lists on the Internet, has been about whether or not there is such a thing as a "Friendly Muslim". I personally believe that if we have another attack on our shores by terrorist factions, there will be no such thing as a "Friendly Muslim". Another attack by terrorists on our shores, will most assuredly bring a heightened anger against those from the Mid East, and more directly, those of the Islamic religion. There will be a call for Muslims to be sent to interment camps, similar to the Japanese at the start of World War II. There will also be a call for those who are in the United States on visas, for their visas to be revoked and for their removal from the United States. Those Muslims who are residents of the US, will obviously remain, but will bear the brunt of anti-Muslim anger.

I feel we currently have increasing security problems, with those Muslims who currently reside in the US, and the problems are as follows:

  • Many of our ports have been sold to Arab companies, which brings into doubt just how secure our ports would be in the event of another attack on our shores. Approximately 1/10th of the containers shipped into our country are screened before they even enter our ports. Those containers are then primarily shipped by rail, which brings them across the US and into our major cities.
  • The second problem I foresee, is the amount of Muslim cab drivers. Now, you may laugh at this, but who would make the best spy prior to a terrorist strike in the US? Cab drivers would make the best forward liaison or observer for a terrorist group. They have the best opportunity to watch our rail, airports, and other forms of transportation. They would also have the best chance to monitor our police and fire departments for their response times. In my city alone I've observed whom I felt were most likely Muslim cab drivers, parked for hours, overlooking the operations of traffic flow, rail traffic, police/fire response times, etc. On two different times while a cab driver was parked near a railroad crossing at the center of my city, there were two fires at different parts of the city, which seemed out of the ordinary (in my uneducated/non fire trained opinion). I personally believe these fires were set to observe our response times by emergency personnel. Of course, this could be from watching too many spy movies and/or programs on the Cable channels.
  • A third problem I foresee, is the increasing growth of foreign students enrolled in our nation's colleges. Many of these students are from Mid East countries. These individuals could be a source of advance scouts or observers for a terrorist group such as Al Queda. These students could be the real sleeper groups.
  • The fourth problem I foresee, is to me the most troublesome. This being the total lack of real "border security". For all intensive purposes, there is no security on our borders between Canada and Mexico, with our border between Mexico and the US being the weakest link. For all intensive purposes, we have NO border with Mexico. There are those who are pushing forward a "Guest Worker Program" (one of who is our President). It's estimated we have more than 13 million aliens (also known by liberal groups as undocumented workers) in the US. Those who want to have the Guest Worker Program, claim that citizens of the US won't take the jobs that Mexican aliens will take; I say that is balderdash, as we need to force certain members on welfare, to take those jobs or lose their welfare. Another factor regarding the border, is the amount of Non Mexicans who have been caught or taken into custody; many of the NM's being from known terrorist countries. Another factor is the incursion of Narco Terrorists and/or the Mexican army across our borders. In the last four years there have been more then 130 incursions by groups wearing uniforms that showed them to be of the Mexican military, and armed with automatic weapons. It's no wonder that our Border Patrol agents and/or Sheriff departments will not engage them, when they are only armed by either shotguns or semi-automatic weapons. The most recent incursion took place in early January of 2006, with Sheriff Dept personnel chasing SUV's back to the Rio Grande, near El Paso. The only vehicle caught was a Cadillac Escalade (reported stolen in the US) containing 500 pounds or more of packaged marijuana. One vehicle was disabled in the Rio Grande, at which time the occupants scrambled out of the car, removed several large bags of marijuana, and set fire to the car. It's well known that 75% or more of the drugs brought into the US are transported across our border with Mexico. At what time are the leaders of our Country going to wise up and realize the potential danger of such an open or porous border with Mexico. The leaders of the Mexican government are not our friends, they are our enemies.
Well, I've gotten this out of my system; I look forward to hearing from those who read this post, to which you can reach me at

Richard Whitenight
Arlington, Texas

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